IPIC: International Post-Operative Intravesical Chemotherapy- Launches Recruitment!
We are proud to announce IPIC: International Post-operative intravesical chemotherapy study, a multi-centre qualitative analysis of guideline adherence of peri-operative intravesical chemotherapy in non-muscle bladder cancer (NMIBC).
We are working closely with colleagues from Canada, UK and New Zealand to deliver high quality research to to assess guideline adherence, and identify patterns of use/barriers to the delivery of intravesical chemotherapy for NMIBC, and improve patient care.
But, we can't do it alone, we need your help!
IPIC are currently inviting contributors for recruitment of data cohorts. Recruitment closes March 2018.
If you would like to register your interest or want to find out more, please email: ipic.yuro@gmail.com